We are currently able to offer the following services:
1) We are seeing emergency cases in the practice
2) We are undertaking phone consultations (The RCVS have temporarily changed our prescribing rules so that we can make diagnoses and prescribe medications without seeing an animal during the COVID crisis). If the vet feels it is critical that we see your animal then an appointment will be booked, otherwise advice will be given and/or medications dispensed.
3) We hope to have a telemedicine service very soon – the technology is at its final stages of development.
4) Wormer and parasite medications are available to order by phone
5) Puppy and Kitten vaccinations are restarting after 13th April, for boosters we have a 3 month gap before they need to be done.
We are also organising a delivery service for urgent medications. Any medications and food ordered and not collected will be delivered over the next few days. Going forward we may have to prioritise medications over food deliveries depending on the volume and the staff we have.
Please note, our call volume is at four times our normal level at the moment. Please do bear with us and we will answer your call but it may take longer to get through to us. Due to the high call volume we are finding it difficult to monitor emails and facebook messages so please call us if you need to get in touch.
It might take us a day or two to get this system in place and functioning smoothly, but we are committed to being available when you need us 24 hours a day!